You’ve probably guessed it already, Digital Dollar$$ is all about moolah.

I run this blog with three objectives in mind.

I want to

  • Help people learn how to work from home and make a full-time income online
  • Provide tips and strategies on how to save and invest money
  • Provide a go-to resource here at Digital Dollar$$ with side hustle ideas, Online job ideas, Online Business ideas, and Blogging Tips+Resources so that you can learn how to diversify your income and set yourself on a path to financial freedom.

I do this by providing in-depth online earning guides, online platform reviews, and informative posts on Blogging, mindset, investing, and the important skill of developing Passive Income Streams.

There is a ton of ideas to make money on the internet either as a side hustle, full-time occupation, or Online Business venture, and my aim is to explore it all with this blog.

Who am I

A Picture of Henry Muli

I’m Henry Muli, Founder of Digital Dollar$$.

I’m a stickler for working from home and making money online. Since graduating from the University, I have never had a day job.

I’ve always disliked the idea of a 9-5 and having to trade one’s time for money. So what did I do?

I started writing online. At first, it was difficult and I struggled because I was completely new to the idea of online writing.

But with an eagerness to learn, persistence, and putting in the work, I got the hang of online fiction writing.

At this time I was still a student but I found myself with a steady income flow that meant I didn’t really have to work a day job when I got out of school. I could just continue writing online and working from home.

And that’s exactly what I did.

Since then, I have researched and found even more ways to grow online income streams, and that was really the idea behind Digital Dollar$$.

I want to help more people to find avenues and practical ideas to work from home, diversify their income, and set themselves on a path to financial freedom.

💡 Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, financial analyst, or certified financial planner. The content on this site is meant for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice.

Digital Dollar$$ is a learning project for me and hopefully, it will be for you too.

Thank you so much for being here, and I hope you’ll stick around for the journey into all the ways you (and I) can reach financial freedom while working from home.

All the best!

Let’s Connect